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Cape Cod

Seriously the BEST PLACE ON THIS PLANET. Cape Cod is made up of locals, and then the fucking tourists. The locals are the hard working, lower/middle classes, who send their kids to a local Cape school. A local Cape Coddian doesn't have to be born on the Cape, rich, white, preppy, or part of the elite. To be considered a local, you have to have at least grown up on the Cape, you have to have had a majority of your k-12 schooling done on the Cape, you have to love everything to do with the ocean, you have to conservatively love the land and the people, but also be liberally willing to accept change. That's why you find so many Country Loving, AWESOME Rednecks on the Cape, especially in the Barnstable, Falmouth, Mashpee, area. The Cape is the melting pot of New England, also, you have to absolutely love Cape Girls, you have to love to have bonfires in the woods and on the beach, you have to love shotgunning beer, you have to love bending the rules, you need to be able to work with your hands, whether that be cars, doing landscaping, masonry, Cape Coddian's are tough, hardy, smart New Englanders. You also have to love Woods Hole. On the Cape you'll make some of the best friends, have some of the best hookups, meet some of the best girls/boys, go to some of the most lit bangers, and you'll learn to love trucks and how useful they are, and why being from the Cape is the best thing on Earth.

(Country Music Blasting in the f-150)
Foreman: What's the address Baxter?
Andrew: Woods Hole Gold Course

(arrive at the banger thats lit af with tons of Cape Girls having patron and beer)
Thats Cape Cod for you

by CapeCodRednecks January 31, 2017

251πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Cape Cod

Beautiful beaches and scenic road ways, bit inhabited by old people who are waiting to die, and junkies who are trying to die.

Bring your kids!

"Wanna hit the beaches on cape cod? "
"Only if you like finding used needles."

by Suprise lobotomy May 29, 2018

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Cape Cod

everyone who lives there is depressed, dumb, addicted to drugs/drinking, ratchet as fuck, and hates their lives.

β€œCape Cod fucking blows I can’t wait to graduate and get the FUCK out of here”

by haksnkssnskndns October 18, 2017

17πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Cape Cod

In the summer, could be regarded as one of the awesomest places in the world. The winter is hell, but after the storms, it is very quiet and beautiful. Known for its small-town character and charm. No cobblestone streets to be found here, since they are completely out of place. But there is nothing to do in the winter, since most of the businesses cater only to tourists. Take Provincetown, for example. During the summer, the daytime population swells to nearly 80,000, but in the winter, the entire town is boarded up and not a soul can be found on Commercial Street, the "bustling" main artery of the town. The unemployment is above national average because the only jobs left are those catering to tourists or the likes of the tourist season. But it still is awesome.

dude, cape cod is the shit year round, even though there's nothing to do for most of it.

by excaper December 31, 2011

28πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Cape Cod

1. A peninsula darting off from Massachusetts where one can see girls decked out in Lily Pulitzer and ignorant frat lacrosse players to your diehard Red Sox fans and Tom Brady lovers
2. A location ranging from beautiful sandy roads lined with small homey cottages to long winding roads leading to fancy golf courses or harbors with mansions and their perfect lawns on both sides.
3. A place where every Main Street is lined with Red Sox and patriots team shirts or your average tourist "Cape Cod" shirt
4. Also known as the best place ever

Cape Cod is the best damn place every... so much team pride walking down the streets.

by massholeforlyfe October 12, 2015

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Cape Cod

A foul, fish-like, smelly penis that comes from not washing or properly maintaining your Cack. Usually affects people from the East Coast that live on the West Coast.

Shawn: Man that broad wouldn't go down on me!
Henry: I know she told me you had a Cape Cod.

by W.B. Eliis June 21, 2011

18πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

cape cod

small peninsula off massachusetts that sucks money out of tourists and retired millionaires to survive, since the traditional fishing industry is slowly dying - native cod all but wiped out. beautiful beaches protected by the government since the 1950's, but that meant the locals had to give up their beach camps. basically we hate tourists but without them we'd be totally impoverished. there is nothing for kids to do so most of them destroy their brains with drugs & alcohol. everyone says they're going to leave but never manage it and stay working as a landscaper/fisherman/carpenter/waitress/cashier etc. the winters are horrible and in the summer tourists are everywhere. real estate is too expensive for anyone to have a nice house. all the land not protected by federal government is being gobbled up by rich people from far away who want to live "out in the boonies". cape cod has conservative strongholds like chatham in the south ("a quaint drinking town with a fishing problem") and liberal strongholds like provincetown, mecca for artists and homosexuals, in the north. primarily white, but recently there's been an influx of brazilians. the predominant subculture is punk, since we're all so angry at our lives but can't do anything about it. people who leave tend to stay gone. local slang includes "wicked" meaning extremely, "pisser" meaning awesome, and "wash-ashore" for someone whose family hasn't lived on cape cod for more than, say, 50 years or so...

tourist: cape cod is so beautiful and peaceful!
local: *gags*

"cape cod specialties: clam chowdah, lobstah rolls and fried clams!"

by cape codder February 13, 2005

852πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž