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1 Relating to film or motion picture (cinema). Originally a trademark for film.
2 Artificial

History: celluloid is a colorless flammable material made from nitrocellulose and camphor, which was used to make photographic and cinema film

1 On the celluloid screen
2 The characters were flat and celluloid

by fae March 11, 2005

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


1. Plastic or fake, like the actual material.
2. A person who is constantly attached to their cell phone
3. (rare) A film geek.

1. "Did you see Karen bragging to Aaron? She's so celluloid."
2. "I saw went through Karen's cell phone the other day and her phone book has 315 people! When did she start being a celluloid?"
3. "Marco actually held a private indie screening in his basement, he's a complete celluloid."

by Luckdragon February 25, 2005

27πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Celluloid Simp

Sometimes referred to as a "film purist", the celluloid simp is an individual who maintains a very strong belief that celluloid film is the only way to shoot a cinematic movie. Despite being more practical, accessible, affordable, and modern than a thin sheet of synthetic plastic, Digital cameras will NEVER touch the hands of a celluloid simp.

A lesser variant of the Celluloid Simp is the Film Fraud: individuals who shoot movies digitally, but then proceed to degrade that nice, clean image in order to mimic the flawed look of celluloid film.

Tarantino: β€œShooting on digital is like eating a veggie burger.”
Person 1: "Why does he hate digital cameras so much?"
Person 2: "He's just celluloid simp, that's all."

by D-Cinema April 13, 2023

Celluloid Bulimia

An alarming trend in Hollywood where classic movies in various genres are re-chewed by some worthless piece of shit hack who has no ideas of their own and puked up to audiences who either 1. Don't know any better ie. Didn't know that the movie in question is/was a remake or 2. Just don't give a fuck.

As of 2008 there were 172 acts of celluloid bulimia and the trend continues. We as movie watchers and lovers of these movies, or some of them, wish that Hollywood would get some help for their celluloid bulimia, or find someone with an original idea... and fast.

by Zachariah Langley October 21, 2010