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An epic kid that goes to High School

Bruh 1: "Dude look its challen"
Bruh 2: "Bruh Moment Challen is so epic!

by bruhv November 26, 2018

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A ship between Christian and Vallen

James: did you hear Christian and Vallen did it last night
John: woah, that’s challen

by Kindasus69420 March 15, 2021


A short legged man who pisses the bed and sleeps in the wet patch

Does anybody want to buy a bed?
Not if it belonged to Challener

by Jinjafreak November 2, 2018


a way of expressing to hang out

Me and my friends were challen last night

by Sniper101 July 12, 2006

10πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž