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A "Channy" is the word used for a situation when a couple dates each other for only 5 days or less.

You pulled a "Channy"
Your such a "Channy"

by Penopis 2 December 30, 2022


Channy is an awesome Asian who has no stereotypical Asian traits, and instead has Swedish ones.

Swedish: Det Channy รคter Svensk choklad.
English: That Channy is eating Swedish chocolate.

by TheBrociety June 25, 2010

103๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


The pairing of Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny Monroe from Sonny with a Chance, which many fan girls are obsessed with.
In the beginning they had a love/hate relationship which was mildly entertaining, yet a little annoying. People say opposites attract, but maybe this pairing is too different. Which may be why their relationship in season two didn't work out.

Obssesed Fan girl: OMG, Did you see Channy's kiss in the episode Sonny With a Chance?! OMG, I LOVE Channy!

Me: Eh, I think Channy is overrated. Chad would be much better with Tawni.

by xXaRandomPersonXx June 9, 2011

29๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


The love/hate relationship between Sonny Munroe and Chad Dylan Cooper in Disney's "Sonny With A Chance"

A: "Did you see last nights "Sonny With A Chance"?

B: "Yes. But there was absolutely no Channy. They didn't even see each other in the whole episode!"

by untilyourmine975 February 16, 2010

39๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Referring to one who is morbidely obese, and/or has eaten a close relative.

EX 1:
Person 1: "Hey i'm running for president, any tips?

Person 2:"Yeah let channy vote for you so you can get a 10 person lead."

Ex 2:
Martin: "I saw it, i saw this huge hideous creature walking toward me!"

Gabe: Oh, thats just channy air drying.

Channy: Giggidy

by Pej-e March 31, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


This term is commonly used to describe someone who has a mangina, its a purely derogatory word, despite this it can replace any adjective or noun as a part of a sentence.

wow, your eyes are sooo channy


10๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the most amazing people you will ever meet. Usaully a jewish girl. Who is beutiful gorgeous and sexy. Tends to act a little dumb, but means well. Extreamlly kind and very fun to be with!

Ted: omg you no what would be so fun??

Jon: What???

Ted: Hangin out with a Channi

by chingchon February 2, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž