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Leaving a place of discontent.

I chappelled the fuck outa there.

by Crafty July 12, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (v.) to go crazy, freak out, go mad out of nowhere.
2. (n.) one who has gone insane, is in the act of insanity.

1. "That girl totally chappelled out on me when I told her I slept with her sister."
2. "David went chappelle when that bitch dumped him."

by evanm May 17, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


this clan has been rouge mercanaries for years. since the origination in africa their family have spread far and wide. each major war in history has had their name come up at least once or twice. do not mess with any of this clan. even the weakest member is capable of taking on ten armed men and coming out unscathed. best bet with fighting them is to catch them while they're off gaurd. most likely when they're in a coma. in other words, you have about as much chance beating Chuck Norris than a two year old in this clan

guy 1: I do believe we're fucked

guy 2: why?

guy 1: they sent Chappell's

guy 2: who's up for suicide?

by hope they don't find me July 18, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


(verb) - Having anything and everything go wrong at the most inopportune of times. One may say that they're "really killing it right now, guys" or that "this is fine, everything is fine" when it is indeed the exact opposite.

You know you're Chappelling pretty hard when you go to start a timed quiz on your labtop for pharmacology and your charging cord lights on fire.

by TheERSlimShady February 3, 2016


The word used in which one who feels exultant by common supremacy of a leading figure; Actress Crystal Chappell. An action by which a feeling is derived when you are passionate, fond, or elated. To be in awe of or be dumbfounded by anything that is related to or of Crystal Chappell.

- "I haven't been more chappelled since I started watching this TV show!"

- "I was so chappelled yesterday when I bought a new car!"

- "I am chappelled and proud of it!"

by Ohtalia April 11, 2009

364๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most beautiful girl you will ever lay eyes on. Everyone wants to be a Chappell. She is the nicest person you've ever seen. She is sweet, and has a ton of friends. Everyone loves a Chappell.

I love that Chappell. That Chappell is so beautiful.

by TheCoolCat47 October 24, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of having anything and everything go wrong at the same time. Unfortunate events happening with particularly poor timing. Known sarcastically as, "really killing it right now, guys".

You know you're just Chappelling it up when you go to start a timed quiz on your labtop for pharm and your charging cord lights on fire.

by TheERSlimShady January 30, 2016