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She’s smart and kind of emotional. She’s beautiful in and out. But she’s still a freak in the sheets. She’s someone you would want for a friend. She’s loyal and very independent.

Chelsey’s can summon their inner couch potato. They’re in love with food. But they can be aggressive when someone pisses them off. But when you see them they seem sweet and kind, only their closest friends know them.

Girl: I wish I had a friend like Chelsey

Other girl: I know

by PetttyAf February 10, 2018

245👍 19👎


Chelsey is the one girl that you dream about every night. She the most amazing girl you will ever meet. If u ever meet a chelsey, keep her with you forever. She is the perfect girl for anyone. Very beautiful, funny, talent, and has the best smile you will ever see. When your feeling down and you see her, ur mood changes. When she sad, your sad. When she happy, your happy. You will fall in love with this girl and better not ever let her go. She an Angel!

No ones is like Chelsey, no one in the world.

by ChillinDylan May 13, 2015

639👍 86👎


Beautiful sassy brunette. Amazing looks. Beautiful inside and out. In a sense, perfect. Very unique, doesn't want to be like anyone else. Girls are always jealous of her. Everyone tries to be like her. Very honest,always tells the truth even if it's not what you want to hear. Loyal and always forgiving. Don't get on chelseys bad side, you'll never win that battle. Chelsey always wins.

Chelsey is so beautiful. Just simply perfect.

by Chelseyrocks June 29, 2013

309👍 52👎


The most beautiful girl to walk the planet. She has a smile that will brighten your day. Any guy would be lucky to date her ,she has many friends and is loyal, creative, and a leader.

Wow is that Chelsey, she's hot!!!

by 1234567890-qwertyuiop January 22, 2018

95👍 13👎


A worldly female, defined by her sense of individuality and style.

"Wow, that Chelsey really knows what she's talking about!"

by schmittty December 3, 2007

1262👍 395👎


Chelsey is the most amazing person anyone can ever meet. If you have her as a friend, your life will be amazing. She has the most amazing eyes, beautiful hair, cutest smile, and most outgoing personality. If you have her as a girlfriend, you need to hold on to her and make her really happy. She will make you the happiest person on the planet. She makes you smile when you don't want to, she makes you laugh when you cry, and she makes your day more than once. To have her as a friend/girlfriend is a blessing. Keep her happy, and keep her close. To lose her would be the worst thing possible.

Chelsey: I lovers you:)

by amandavanelst December 3, 2011

380👍 119👎


a person of great intelligence. they are sweet and kind to all, and all love them for they are tollerant of all peoples, races, religions... more often than not they are a most beautiful individual. they have friends world wide who would do anything for them and they in return for their friends. they are worldly and unique in every single aspect of life. all envy and aspire to be like them. they are in a since perfect.

"look at that girl, shes beautiful, smart, and nice, shes like no other. shes PERFECT, shes so chelsey!!!"

by chelsey fanchier March 21, 2007

1111👍 377👎