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A kick ass LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgander, Questioning, and Allies) group. We go on trips and hangout, its a nice relaxing place where everyone is accepted, no matter what and everyone can just hangout. A very cool place. Based out of Planned Parenthood.

Our Cirlces group is the best because we have Nicole!

by Matt & Tammy July 29, 2006

4👍 6👎

Prayer Cirlce

A game in which a group of men who recieve a blowjob from a single woman in a cirlce then mix all the semen in a turkey baster which then gets emptied in to the womans vagina. Then everyone prays that they are NOT the father and who ever is the babies daddy loses.

Man, I played prayer cirlce at a party a couple weeks ago and this random number won't stop calling! I think I lost.

by The Candyman and Big Poppa February 1, 2011

3👍 3👎