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clasp-retaining high-five

Refers to da humorous "I really like you" gesture of not merely slapping da other person's hand when ya smilingly offer said pal a high-five, but instead interlacing yer fingers with his and really "hand-wrestling him good" for a few seconds. A great way of showing a cute lady how much you enjoy/value/desire her companionship while you have hold of her hand, anyway; hopefully she will allow you to maintain your joyful clasp of said warm/soft extremity for an extended period afterwards, and possibly even accompany you on a hand-in-hand stroll around town afterwards if her current schedule permits.

A clasp-retaining high-five is an awesome way to initially "break the ice" with a new gal and get her head-swimmingly starry-eyed for you.. play your cards right and you may have her lying back on your bed stark-naked within an hour or two.

by QuacksO March 16, 2019