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is an Irish last name that is derived from O'Cleary, Cleireoch, and MacCleary. The motto for "Cleary's" is "Always faithful" or "Fidelity is my glory".

They tend to be sarcastic and upbeat. Usually always down for drinking a beer from about 12pm onwards. Mostly a happy bunch.

Person: Steve Cleary is a reliable clerk!

Person2: Yeah, grab Tom Cleary, he'll hang out with us at the pub.

by irishreppin October 25, 2009

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A beautiful, kind, sweet girl.

Person: โ€œ Woah u look just like Cleary.โ€

by smarter than u :)) May 5, 2020

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An accounting term for queries (revisions/corrections) that are so easy to do, that the manager could have cleared it immediately and saved everyone's time.

My manager gave me a ridiculous list of 50 clearies, it is going to take me about 20 minutes to clear them all.

by Arthur Andersen January 26, 2011

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Clearying it

It is the term used to define that someone is constantly talking shit behind one's back and is asking to get their ass beat.

Dude stop Clearying it right now, if you keep that shit up I am going to have to beat your ass you punk faggot.

by samalian butt pirate May 20, 2010

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(noun) A slang word for "Clear Eyes", a brand of eyedrops designed to make someones eyes look normal. Often used by young people who smoke marijuana to avoid being caught by parents, teachers etc.

Whose got clearies? Mum will be pissed if i rock up looking stoned!

by declanisromped April 20, 2008

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cleary experience

Walking into the woods a boy and leaving a man

I swear that guy just had the cleary experience.

by MRCLUTCH1998 August 17, 2015

Doing a Cleary

1) participating in heterosexual anal sex before losing vaginal virginity. This is usually done accidently.

LOL so you were doing a cleary

by flyingleopard October 3, 2010