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it a strategic sex position in which the man fucks the women upside down and sideways.

me and you fucking cliffside style preferably in the kuter

by cliffside hero March 25, 2011

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Cliffside Park

A town that's overly populated but there is absolutely NOTHING to do there. Want to sit on your ass all day? GO TO CLIFFSIDE PARK!

dude: I visited my grandma in Cliffside Park yesterday.
dudette: What did you do?
dude: Nothing

by cliffsideparkresident January 22, 2011

45πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Cliffside Academy

a game filled with pedophiles, groomers, manipulators, incels, innercircling and erping.

β€œCliffside Academy is my favorite game!” - idiot
β€œAre you.. okay? Mentally???” - average rwa player

by Redwood On top July 8, 2022

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cliffside park gangster

a cliffside park gangster rarely excists and is very hard to find. gangsters take up about 5% of the cliffside park population. if seen these people are harmless and should never be feared. They were not raised in the hood so they just act like what they see but there only trying to be cool. they were raised by chavs and preps. they will never hurt or do you wrong in anyway because they dont know how to hustle. there attitudes are usually bubbly and kind, But they give other gangsters a sense of corneyness. in cliffside park they are known as chavs and woawdiez.

a cliffside park gangster is a chav!

by 889 August 9, 2007

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Cliffside bun

This is when the female butt starts to take form of a half circle then just goes flat half way. Life some body smoothed it out.

Look at here Cliffside bun, she had me half way then I just fell off.

by The Prophet of doom July 7, 2023