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Bragging Talk, Crowing, A Self-Important little man

J: "Geoff is a Cockalorum"
P: "No, Rowling is a Cockalorum"

by SAPOL February 23, 2006

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A small, haughty man.

Person 1: Look at him! He's such a cockalorum!
Person 2: I know right!

by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016


Someone who shows irrational pride for themselves and unexplainable disgust towards others. Usually small in size, especially penis size.

Wesley thinks he is the best at everything, what a Cockalorum!

by proudconservativeMAGA November 29, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Sped ninjas when they mom walk in on them beatin they pee pee and they start yodeling

Cockalorum!! Get out of my room mom!

by westiesdancin July 7, 2019

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a self-important little man

Willy Loman

by Max September 8, 2003

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cockalorum = nick

nick is a cockalorum

by cockalorum February 13, 2018


The act of peeing for five minutes due to the intake of many fluids

Cockalorumming isnt that bad when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you to hurry up

by papa posty November 23, 2022