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A small town full of hockey junkies, a few cool people, and hockey rink where people go in winter when they have nothing else to do.

John: Hey Billy, where you been living all these years?
Billy: Coleraine, Minnesota. The people here are so passionate about their hockey team!!
John: Woah!! Bro that’s dope, I’m moving there ASAP!!

by Young billy og April 13, 2019


town located in cincinnati consisiting of ghetto fabulous teenagers. colerain high school is known for their football team, and only their football team, with supporters such as the hoe row( girls who wear sports bras and sit in the front row of the student section). the school is headed no where... fast.

wow, colerain is the new detroit city.

by king coombs May 27, 2009

133πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


A termanology to describe mischevious person. Originated from southern Ireland and is to insult the Irish people with Belgium in their heritage.

I have irish and belguim in my blood, therefor i am a colerain.

by Arthemus Foley January 27, 2007

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Culchy city in ireland where everyone thinks there smart and thinks there better than everyone else.

Ma sham curted John joe the other day! Good craic like! Coleraine is the best!

by wee irish chick January 24, 2014

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Colerain Cry

A cry by colerain people when they don't get what they want so they don't speak.

Nick started the colerain cry after he messed up the power hour and went silent for 35 minutes

by Bo Vicer November 3, 2010

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

wee Coleraine head

pejorative; a person who has limited exposure outside of a small town bubble; possesses a default disdain for new experiences

Sure what did you expect, Kevin has a wee Coleraine head on him

by JonzyJinxy May 24, 2023