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the process of kneeling before an ancient torture device and consuming symbols of flesh and blood to celebrate the day of the pagan god of the sun, Ra

Guy 1: I'm in a cult.
Guy 2: Seriously?
Guy 1: Yeah. I go to church and take communion every Sunday.

by lolitolduitwouldbthere2morrow September 20, 2009

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Symbolic cannibal and vampirism.

"You drink wine and pretend it's blood? What are you, a vampire wannabe?"

by devilzukin December 2, 2003

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A person who is doing a communion or is going through a communion.

Omg Phil is being communionated today I'm so excited!!!

by Gerald Peterson May 13, 2017

Communion It

When you're too lazy to get a glass of something so you drink right out of the bottle and proceed to wipe where your mouth was like they do with the wine at communion.

Guy 1: "Dude cmon why are you drinking right out of the apple juice?"
Guy 2: "Its alright I'll communion it"

by ImmediateAce January 25, 2015

communion wafers

Those hella good crackers served with free wine in a dimly lit yet nicely air-conditioned room that you find yourself constantly yawning in.

The only reason my parents gave me education at a Catholic school was because of the perks- free wine, and those hella good wafers. What are they called? Oh ya...

Communion wafers.

by Person11234 June 8, 2019

Holy Communion

When you eat a girl out while she has a full blown yeast infection and is on her period- "Bread and Wine"

I had a holy communion last night with that slow girl down the street , can I borrow your toothbrush?

by Jdan Cutsem September 17, 2017

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Corn Communion

When the only reason you go to church is so you can figure out a way to take a corny shit in the Pastor's mouth after his sermon.

"Mom, can we have corn for dinner tonight, I have corn communion tomorrow at church?"

by tbizzy2 August 22, 2019