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cop a squat

Sit down; take a chair.

Cop a squat and tell me about it.

by Cliff Morris January 3, 2004

339👍 97👎

cop a squat

Meaning to have a seat.

"Cop a squat right here sir."
"Sit your ass down."

by Jamie Girl August 21, 2003

310👍 152👎

cop a squat

verb: to squat in order to pee/shit on the ground outside when no bathroom is available; also known as "an adventure"

When we were at the park late last night, I had to cop a squat.

by BoltTheFish February 1, 2010

75👍 84👎

cop a squat

the act of taking a shit

Man, i copped a squat last night so bad i cant sit on my ass

by Slump June 17, 2004

40👍 141👎

cop a squat

v. to defecate quickly and with great efficiency

I was nearly late for the plane, but I ran into the restroom to quickly cop a squat before boarding.

by Michael Gannett February 14, 2006

37👍 142👎

cop a squat

For a female to take a leak.

Dude, after my sex change, I had to get used to copping a squat as opposed to my old activity of standing up while urinating and copping a peek at the dingus next to me.

by Jaggo March 21, 2004

34👍 133👎

Cop A Squat

"Cop-a-Squat" originally meant taking either a piss or a shit in a non-regular or non-familiar/public setting. "Pop-a-squat" has evolved from that general intent, now meaning taking/finding a semi-permanent seat in a public setting that even if not designed to accomodate asses (like a toilet in a public restroom), still for a short period of time provides butt rest. Although introduced in the US in the late '90's, and heavily promoted in New York City, "private, 'public' time-controlled spaces", like the self-cleaning, time-controlled public 'porto-potties' just didn't mesh with true western socio-public values.

So, cop-a-squat used to mean finding a public place to "eliminate", even if it wasn't technically a restroom, and includes friends bathrooms. The definition "pop a squat" s/b subcategorized with "cop a squat" because both actions involve claiming a temporary place for ones' Ass. I submit the merging of the definitions/terms, and the definition be:
Cop a squat-
any temporary placement of the gluteal physio-segment, whether clothed or not, that provides physio-relief, whether through the process of elimination or the temporary relief of musculo-skeletal distress (needing to sit your broken-ass body down for 20 minutes).


I need to cop a squat.
I need to cop/pop a squat.

by splazmataz February 24, 2011

140👍 72👎