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when a female is performing oral sex and just puts the tip in her mouth and ends up just a hand job, thus giving the illusion of a blowjob.

stupid bitch doesnt know how to give head she gave me a copperfield.

by 2loc4u May 1, 2011

19πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


When someone leaves the bar without telling anyone, they disappeared, aka Copperfielded.

Where'd Karen go?
She totally copperfielded AGAIN!

by life hunter November 22, 2011

The copperfield

When your super old that your cum is basically dust and your banging a tinder hoe and want to cum and leave her without her knowing. You pull out as you cum your dust in her face and say β€œCopperfield” and escape without her seeing because the dust cum acts kinda like a smoke bomb

β€œDude last night I met a girl on tinder and gave her the copperfield.

by Kaje2315 December 18, 2020


Copperfielding: A human, male-unique ability to attract (and sustain) a beautiful lass, whilst simultaneously repelling a less than amiable, and most assuredly odious additional suitor (in the eyes of both the lady, and the original, now lucky, man) who is hopelessly enamored with the aforementioned girl and/or what may be gained (particularly monetarily) by establishing said relationship; said suitor may or may not have underwent the displeasure of having been bestowed with the first name of an unfortunate Biblical person(s) slighted tremendously by the illustrious king, David, or possess a tragically misspelled last name: ex. "Heep" in place of the more natural, "Heap."

There goes young Nat copperfielding again!

Anderson is a stud! Why, just last week I saw him arm-in-arm with Emilie Smithson, striding across campus; both beaming beautifully. Not even Horace the Horrid could faze him! In fact, when old Horace began making eyes and arms and everything in-between at Emilie, Anderson simply glared, gently disengaged her arm from his own, and *biff!* Horace fell. Copperfielding, at its finest!

by FestoonTheGrey January 21, 2014

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The phenomenon that takes place when one takes a hefty dump but the feces slips straight from one's hole down the plumbing of the toilet so as to be completely hidden when one stands up to inspect their work.

"Dude I just took a massive dump but when I took out my phone to send you a pic it was another copperfield, so I sent you pic of some smegma instead."

by Smegmataster September 19, 2012

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Usually occurs when using an excessive amount of TP after taking a number two. Upon wiping, gravity and wrist action quickly pulls a clean section down over the shit stain thus leaving the wiper with the illusion their ass is now clean.

Fuck dude, I smell ass, did you shart?

No, but I think I pulled a Copperfield in the crapper at Ponderosa

by Doc Hannigan April 24, 2011

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

david copperfield

when you are getting a girl from behind and you pull out and have your friend get back in so she thinks you are still going and you go outside the window and wave to her

i pulled a david copperfield on that bitch

by Austin Power October 10, 2006

479πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž