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the act of kidnapping a boy scout and taking him into the woods to tie special knots

I'm going to quit my job and go craiging

by GregZ April 9, 2013

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a fun pool game where u must use a giant slingshot to ht some one with a blowup aligator

Hey man craigings a great pool game.

by ducka steve November 17, 2009

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So called straight guys, (MSN) men who have sex with men; on the prowl looking for male to male action on the downlow.

I was at the ballpark taking a leak and that dude started craiging me.

by lightrider September 7, 2007

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the act of perusing Craigslist with or without purpose

I was craiging last night and this guy was trying to sell, not give away, but actually sell his used underwear and socks.

by bambugg10 July 25, 2009

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a generic pejorative term for a person (craig) who wastes (lagging) long periods of time through inaction, thereby screwing up everybody else's part of a project, process, or activity

At any place where someone is disappointed and put out by having to always wait for someone else to "do their job" or get something done...but here we're in an office where Sarah hopes to get promoted because she has done a great job getting the Murphy Project off the ground, but is still waiting on Craig, a self-described 'bean counter' in accounting, to open his email from six months ago.

"Do you have those numbers, Sarah, so we can move forward with the project?", asks Carol, the VP.

"I'm sorry Carol, but accounting is still craiging behind the rest of the teams. We've reached out to them, but there's just no answer," she says, seeing her promotion hopes dwindle.

by Pete Henlein September 6, 2018

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the act of absconding with fantasy league funds or refusing to pay winnings to participants. Taken from a Scottish word for adeep crack or fissure in a rock, where the fuds supposedly dissapeared.

I cannot believe Fish is craiging us on the roto-baseball this season, he always paid off before.

by craptasticor June 19, 2009

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To get craiged,
To be craig,
Craig david,

To be craig.
To take copious amounts of craig and turn into craig. Usually on a friday or saturday night and or both including sunday morning

Nick says "Hey jase lets get craiged tonight"
Jase says " i already am craig"
Nick says "i am craig as well "
Craig says" i am walking away "

by lowi February 4, 2014