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1. Departing from proportion or moderation
2. Bizarre or fantastic
3. Exceeding the minimal standard of satisfaction.
4. Appealing to one's mind

also see: crazy, off the hook

rarely spelled as krazzi

That party last night was madd crazzi!

Craig is crazzi at DDR.

by colinodell October 26, 2004


someone who is both crazy and sassy and the same time

ann was being crazzy!

by no July 19, 2006

12👍 6👎


someone who is both crazy and sassy and the same time

ann was being crazzy !

by not yours July 20, 2006

4👍 9👎

Crazzy Al

A person on a message board whose only intentions are to spam the message board with worthless posts. They also tend to deny these actions.

Wow you spam almost as bad as Crazzy Al!

by Alberto March 1, 2004

3👍 1👎