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Rich persons term for a common computer desk. Sometimes has a hutch for storing objects.

a) Sally, would you run out and purchase us a new credenza for the office?

by wallbert May 20, 2003

16👍 9👎


The space inbetween your big toe and the toe adjacent to it.

His credenza was mouth watering to her eyes.

by biggie toess December 21, 2010

6👍 3👎


A basement that you throw beer cans into.

We don't throw away our beer cans anymore, they go into the credenza.

by Eric Dapra October 20, 2006

6👍 12👎

Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Credenza

Slang term for hepatitis. The number of handles indicates the placement of the letter in the alphabet, one-handled for hep A, two-handled for hep B and three-handled for hep C. Term can be traced back to 1910s Detroit. Gained popularity within the Roaring Twenties jazz scene, then again among GI's in the second world war. A third surge in popularity during the sex-positive Vietnam years lead to it's controversial usage in Depatie-Freleng's 1972 adaptation of Dr Seuss's literary classic, The Cat in The Hat. A similar, more blunt reference to hepatitis made it's appearance in the Mike Meyers film based on the story 30 years later, likely channeling the animated adaptation.

When the Cat in the Hat was referring to his Moss-Covered Three-Handled Family Credenza, he was indeed talking about hepititis C.

by Meatpatty8675309 March 15, 2019

3👍 32👎