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The baddest, most macho, stylish motherfather who ever walked the planet. Detective James "Sonny" Crockett, played by Don Johnson on Miami Vice.

Wow, that guy is straight-up Crockett.

by Crockett1984 October 28, 2008

101πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


a person who is clever but hates it

will argue with people who they feel deserve it

and is very funny

beth crocketter

by gary montague August 3, 2008


a man or kid that has extremely jiggly and big titties

OMG look at that crockett! He's wearing a sports bra!

by jfdksla; May 13, 2008

41πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


An unusualy sluty woman.

"Hey look over at that whore. What a crockett!"

by m dizzle T April 21, 2006

23πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

The Davie Crockett

When you proceed to have anal sex with a man/woman while wearing a coon-skin hat.

Chris Hawkins asked Jonathan Gluckner to have sexual relations with him. Jonathan proceeded to place a coon-skin hat upon his head, then slowly penetrated Chris's asshole, thus doing the Davie Crockett.

by Maximus Wilks July 14, 2009

149πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Tubbs and Crockett


You trying to get with Tubbs and Crockett later?

by Yabels September 10, 2010

Crockett county

Crockett county Is located in west Tennessee and Is a town where uneducated rednecks and pregnant teenagers flock. No one really knows much about Crockett except for the fact that they had a std outbreak. Juuling is cooling and lipping is dipping in this county.If u see a lip you better have dip. Yee yee bubba

β€œDid you hear about that freshman that got pregnant?”
β€œYea she’s from Crockett county of course!”

by Hillbilly420 December 13, 2018

39πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž