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an act in which yoiu cruise around town yelling at ppl , taking fast corners, speeding, and making an ass out of urself, o and meeting ppl too!!

we went crusin and jamie threw lotion filled condoms at ppl, then we met the guys in the orange datson

by hobo_on_hastings September 22, 2003

23👍 26👎

crusin susan

crusin Will's mom.

crusin her Will, crusin her.

by G May 27, 2004

11👍 7👎

crusin susan

Doing Will's mom.

I was crusin Susan last night Will. Crusin her! Crusin her Will!

by G May 26, 2004

11👍 7👎

crusin exotica

The number one bestest arcade game eva'
it involves driving sweet pimped out cars such as an alian mobile or Hippy Bus

drivers include a Clown, Mr.T, and the pros at the game choose Baby (preferbly with a big head!!!)

Chris-Sup nikka what'cha doing
Sam- I'm Playing crusin exotica Dude
Chris-I got nextys
Sam-ok but I have a pocket full of quarters

~I pitty the foo who hates this game

by Kiraly Batin April 5, 2006

2👍 4👎

crusin the dusties

When in South Lyon, Michigan, you and your buddies pile into 1 car (usually 1 person or more per seat) to smoke weed on the dirt roads going half the speed limit to avoid the city cops.

Last night I was crusin the dusties when a huge unicorn jumped out in the middle of the road and smashed into my car. The next morning I found out it was just a baby deer.

by DirtySL October 16, 2017