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Your main hoe's bomb puss that'll always be with you to stick your sausage in anytime.

Your cyree ready for the key?
Put it in you fucking daddy.

by The Pussy Bomba June 22, 2017

186👍 6👎


the best human you could possibly meet. he’s been through a lot but he’s such a sweetheart behind the tough exterior. don’t ever let this man go. nobody else could ever treat you as amazing as cyre. he’s insecure and it’s sad he can’t see he’s perfect.

wow cyre sounds like an amazing person.

by .....moon baby......... May 27, 2020

36👍 6👎


A kind smart guy who can make you laugh till your sides hurt he is fun and to know him is to love him you can never find a better person then Cyres

Cyres is a really cool guy

by #youknowit December 21, 2016

6👍 5👎


When someone’s name is Cyra and she is being extremely annoying. You will become extremely Cyred of her.

Cyra! Stahp. I’m so cyred of you right now!

by imhoodie May 28, 2018

3👍 2👎

Cyres Matthes

Horniest horn dog with no morals...

Your being such a “Cyres Matthes” right now smh...

by realslimjd December 21, 2019

1👍 1👎

Cyre Monae

A successful young black woman that wakes up with a positive attitude and works to manifest her dream life of luxury every day.

Cyre Monae is my idol

by luvithere August 3, 2022


A person with a big dick, nice, loving, defenseve, has many friends and is cool

Cyres you're so cool

by June 16, 2022