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An exclamation of woe, and/or frustration.

Ahh, fucking dammit, I can't think of a sentence for this WORD!!!

by cingchris April 3, 2016

73πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


1. Something Jack Bauer says alot.

2. A drinking game in which you watch 24 and drink every time Jack Bauer says "Dammit"

1. Jack: "Chloe I need you to track the suspects car via satellite."
Chloe: "Satellite's not up yet Jack"
Jack: "DAMMIT!!"

2. "Hey Bill 24's on tonight you want to bring a couple of shot glasses and some Jack Daniels?"

by Seth914 June 26, 2007

382πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž


A drinking game that consists of watching 24 and every time you hear β€œDammit” you take a shot.

Jack Bauer: β€œDAMMIT!”
Me: Round three everybody.

by #Clark May 2, 2018


The greatest name for a dog in the world.

Dammit go get the fukking papper
Damn you dammit get the fuk out of here
dammit y the fuk are you such a lazy dam fukking dog

by I am the best cause i came up with this November 8, 2005

217πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž


When the guess outlet store does not accept your guess-list card

Person 1- "Sorry sir, we do not accept guess list cards at the outlet store"

Person 2-"AH Dammit"

by mattm123 January 18, 2010

63πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


What people say when they are fucked in the ass (in the figurative sense). Often happens if they lose something important.

Dammit!!! I can't find my bottle of anti-diarrhea drink!!! How am I going to get through this interview??? Oh, no, not my vitamin C pills too!!! DAMMIT!!!!!!!

by Bbobe26 June 13, 2011

46πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


A small part, usually a fastener, that rolls off your workbench and falls, ending up in the darkest, most inaccessible place it can find on the floor. Usually found by bare feet, painfully.

Ouch!!! I just stepped on one of those dammits I lost yesterday.

by doflagie November 23, 2019