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To get extremely drunk, extremely quickly.

Jeez.. What happened last night? Oh.. I got daned.

by BrianIsLivid July 4, 2010

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To be sad or unhappy; especially when experiencing a drug comedown.

I shouldn't have eaten so many caps last weekend, now i'm feeling super daned.

by DWaller January 9, 2020

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When you are screwed over really badly.

When the referee called a bad call in the 4th, "Dang we got daned so hard."

by Black Dick Panther December 8, 2018


To be yelled at or scolded after one does not do as well as they should have.

Dane if you do not learn a move from bottom you are going to get Daned after every match.

by ltownwrestler February 22, 2012

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Danely is intelligent, sweet and beautiful young girl who can be trusted. She is such a good friend who always got your back. She might not show it but she loves her friends even when she is mad at them. Danely is a keeper. She loves pets and traveling. She is also really corny in a good way:)

Danely is understanding.

by * you will never know October 6, 2018

76๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is one of the bestest people you'll every meet so kind and sweet keeps ur secrets very loyal. Very beautiful beyond all odds. One of the most artistic people you'll know, and just tons of fun to be around. If have a Daneli in ur life never let go of her you'll regret you did

Girl 1: hey have you talked to Daneli lately
Girl2 : yea she really helped me through some stuff I'm so happy she is in my life

by ForeverMyboo July 31, 2018


Danelis is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

She is very kind and caring.

Usually short with brown hair, but still very pretty.

Loves all animals and always tries to make her friends happy even when she's down.

She is definitely someone you would want to be your best friend.

Don't ever doubt her, she'll always be there, but make sure to treat her right.

Very sweet and shy at first, but energetic and crazy with her friends.

Even though she's not that popular, she doesn't care because she's popular in her own group.

I wish I was Danelis's friend, she's awesome.

by thewalrusperson June 7, 2013

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