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The coolest mother fuckers ever to have been born. A Demetri has a deep laugh like mother fucking Santa Claus, except Demetris won't deliver presents to kids because they are too busy being really fucking awesome to waste their time riding a sleigh in the mother fucking sky at midnight. A Demetri has hair like mother fucking Goldilocks, except a Demetri's hair is brown, so I guess you'd call them all mother fucking Sepialocks.

"Holy shit! Look at the sky! It's Santa Claus! There's no way that could be a Demetri because Demetris are way too cool for that shit."

by iamsoooanonymous February 6, 2009

460πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


The sexiest motherfucker in the whole universe. Its not very hard to fall for a Demetri, with his snazzy brown hair and eyes. HE IS THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE <3

OMG he is such a Demetri

by snazzy_is_me April 4, 2017

40πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


the closest people to being a god in this world. they are the bringer of all that is cool and good. demetri's are always surrounded by the hottest women ever made. they usually like classical and metal music. they also hate the jonas brothers.

LOOK, its that super amazing Demetri guy

by demotnt May 7, 2009

180πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


A boy that is

a really big thot

Omg your a demetri

by GG69420 April 29, 2019

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Demetri is a very handsome boy usually dated by Addie’s. Demetri is Mexican and has brown hair. Can be called demetrios or β€œd”. Demetri is a very nice boy and always has something funny to say.

β€œHey demetri wanna go out” girl #1

β€œNo he likes me!” Girl #2

β€œ ladies ladies there’s plenty enough of me to go around” demetri

by Gigi hannigan December 6, 2018

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Someone who makes cheesy jokes and is the only one laughing at them, though he is super sweet and emotional. He loves a good game and is a bit of a rule follower so don't be a cheater. A Greek name originated from the Greek Goddess Demeter.

Wow he's laughing at his own joke. I bet his name is Demetri.

by ASL4life January 28, 2017

13πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Honestly, I'm getting real tired of your shit.

Wtf Demetri...

by Fablehaft23 April 1, 2017

11πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž