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Another word for a cannabis extract or a "Dab",

Typically a Butane hash Oil (BHO)
BHO - or butane hash oil - is a concentrated cannabis extract that looks like wax
BHO is extracted from cannabis by pushing liquid butane (a flammable solvent) through a tube packed with buds. The butane cannabis extract is placed under low heat where the solvent evaporates, and the remainder is a mixture of essential oils, waxes, chlorophyll, terpenes and cannabinoids. This method of extraction has great advantages and disadvantages over other processing methods. In other procedures, the volatile components, the terpenes are lost during heating.
The only kind of β€œderb” that isn’t BHO, would be live resin which is made with fresh/frozen flower rather than dried flower like BHO concentrates.

Yo I was taking a fatty derb yesterday and I got so high.

by DaMasster February 20, 2019

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Taking a fat rip from a dab pen

Bro, I took a fat derb and I was stoned for a week.

by ccjmz January 1, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


To bleach one's asshole at speeds up to and around 80 mph while en route to pick up gay pornography.

When I saw my roommate derb last night, he was doing it so fast I could barely see his hands move.

by doctorhonushonus July 9, 2011

43πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


A man who is a goofball. Except, he is not stupid.

Boozan the Derb: "Listen man, I may be a goofball, but I'm not stupid."
Person 2: "Haha, alright."

by Hipster1234 November 24, 2010

56πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


the most gangster pimp that you will ever meet. straight outta the bad part of new York, he will steal your girl, and beat you in rock paper scissors at the same time. moved to the big D now he runs whores in every part of the country. escapes the government by running to Canada where the Canadian government hides him. also a jujitsu master, he can smack you without you ever seeing it coming.

"yo dude derb is such a pimp"

"nah, did you see him smack me, he fights like a woman."

by that guy who's not real May 14, 2019

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The combination of Dead and Herb. Useually a dead-herb is someone who thinks there awesome and there not.

"Yo look at this kid trying to score this chick"

"Forget that the kids a DERB"

by ShakestheDRUMMER March 23, 2009

28πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


German word for Restroom, most often used in dubstep songs by the Real Booty Babes. Numerous German DJs feature their own musical styles on the rythm and lyrical base of Derb such as Rob Mayth and Cascada. Unfortunately, a speech impediment common amongst adults in Germany makes it difficult for many Germans to pronounce the word Derb. Often times, it sounds like there are several more R's than are actually there.

Derb can be interchanged as both a noun and a verb, depending on the situation.

Real Booty Babes: One day we decided to derb
Rob Mayth: One day Rob Mayth decided to derb.
Trolsacrafic: brb derb

by DJKlubbingman November 20, 2010

21πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž