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deryk is rough on the outside but sweet on the inside. He acts like he is so tough but he is not a bad kid that is just the dfinition people have given he is actaully insecure and kind hearted. When it comes to people he cares about you better not mess with them. He is one of the hottest guys you will ever meet.

hey look there is deryk he is soooo dreamy.<3

by kelly kinzey December 14, 2016

25πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


pretty cash money

"hey did u see deryk"
"yeah, he's pretty cash moeny."

by tay67 December 1, 2018


The dankest homie around.
Aggressive talkers, even louder smoker.

Puff puff, niggas.

That's some dank Deryk.

by Katacombs December 10, 2016

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Deryk thing

A nerdy, slightly retarded thing to do.

Friend: I get the best frame rate on PC!

You: yeah but that’s such a deryk thing...

by Moggadhkrkidwhvejridbe September 15, 2020