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dirty spine

A great length of turd

I'm just poppin to the kaiber to drop a length of dirty spine!

(sourced from Roger's profanisaurus)

by Brother numpsy November 14, 2005

22👍 3👎

Shed my dirty spine

Passing stool.

"Shall we get some lunch?"

"Yeah, just let me shed my dirty spine and I'm good to go"

by adlewis82 April 28, 2012

crimping off a length of dirty spine

Verb: to crimp off a length of dirty spine - to defecate.

- Where have you been, Mike?
- I've just been crimping off a length of dirty spine, mate.

by SusieQ October 4, 2005

38👍 7👎

Dirty piece of spine

A Shit, poo, fecal matter.

"Get the door mate!, I'm just popping upstairs to the shitter, got to pinch of a dirty piece of spine."

by Charley Jenkins November 16, 2007

4👍 2👎