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Japanese gods of hardcore "d-beat" punk.

"I saw Disclose on tour with Framtid in 2004, and fuck, noise not music."

by Zacharge13 July 9, 2006

26👍 33👎

over discloser

a person who has no mental to verbal social filter and to whom everything personal is everybody's news

Mark: I know we work closely together and will do so for a long time to come, and I know you are in a committed relationship BUT I LOVE YOU and want to have babies with you and I love you...

Kelly: thanks for ruining our otherwise comfortable working relationship, ya freakin' over discloser, next time stfu you dumbass

by Che Kozaro September 30, 2010

unilateral non disclosed temporary revocation of mutual exclusivity

To Cheat or have an affair, its legalese

I had a unilateral non disclosed temporary revocation of mutual exclusivity with my gf last night when I hooked up with her sister.

Baby I did not cheat, we simply had a unilateral non disclosed temporary revocation of mutual exclusivity.

by Pedro the Poet September 20, 2011

7👍 2👎