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The name of a can of chewing tobacco, including Grizzly or Skoal.

Man I need to put in a discus, it's basically my whole life. I fucking love it.

by kbizzle2006ck March 20, 2011

22👍 24👎


Aaron Studt's life, he will own the State of Wisconsin at Discus his senior year fellas...

Aaron Will Throw this to win state in 2006

by Aaron Studt December 8, 2003

26👍 89👎

clitoris discus

The female version of a circle jerk.

Billy walked in on his sister and her friends at a slumber party while they were having a clitoris discus.

by Monocle Lewinsky July 15, 2014

11👍 2👎

Discus chip

A thin sliced piece of potato that has been dipped in batter, deep fried and had salt applied, preferably chicken salt.
Previously known as potato scallop, due to its “scallop cut”, sometimes called “potato cake” or “potato fitter” by people who are mentally challenged.

Aussie 1: “I’m starvin Wally, fuck I could go a discus chip or ten”
Aussie 2: “Discus chip?”
Aussie 1: “yeah, pretty much a potato scallop, not a cake or a fritter cos we’re not fuckwits”
Aussie 2: “got ya, just like we’d eat a Parmi and not a Parma cos of the common sense spelling and our parents wernt cousins?”
Aussie 1: “oath cunt

by Eddie007 January 8, 2023

1👍 1👎

hung like a discus

to have a penis that is very short and very thick.

Dave has a penis that is only 1 inch long, yet it is 9 inches wide. His friends laugh and say, "Oh that Dave! He is hung like a discus". They also call him a 'fagatron'.

by cambot October 19, 2007

23👍 3👎

Cock-a-doodle discus

When you spin with a discus at fast as u can and throw it as hard as u can at a babies face, let it bounce off, than catch it

Me: dude, that cock-a-doodle discus last night was so fun. It kinda turns me on too.

Stranger: who tf are you get away from me and my family

by Peefdeef April 20, 2018

Discus-Launched Glider

A type of glider that belongs to the f3k category of RC model competition, launched like discus by human force and is propeller-free

That guy launches up to 200 feet with his DLG (discus-launched glider)

by Lololololol9527 December 17, 2019