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The feeling you get when you realize that all the noobs here misspelled "despair"

I facepalmed when I read the urban dictionary definition of "dispair"

by humanityisdoomed March 23, 2009

136👍 15👎


a shit feeling that you get when all has failed.

I have so much dispair from not being accpted by the girl of my dreams i could just die!

by maxinator February 7, 2006

39👍 54👎


(ebonics) referring to a card game

Shit! All I got is dispair of 3's

by Sepio April 6, 2005

9👍 43👎

pit of dispair

A dark, gaping, bottemless pit in which a man will sometimes fall into and never see his manhood again.

I loath the day i lost my way in that pit of dispair named Lucy, my purple helmet warrior has lost his fighting spirit.

by D. W. Cogswell July 12, 2006

6👍 7👎