Source Code

Don't I

Coded language for DONI (Director of National Intelligence).

Don't I look pretty in this lighting? Skew my coordinates and call me Curtis!

by Zandroid August 19, 2017

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So don't I

Means So do I... silly ungrammatical New England residents.

~I love tupac shakur's music.

"OH so don't it!"

by wickedNH February 6, 2004

49πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

No I Don't Think I Will

The ultimate word to assert authority and possibly ruin someones life.

Friend: Yo bro wanna hang out?

Me: no I don't think I will

by Saint of words October 22, 2019

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I don't

I don't have anything but sincerity and love
And my love is not enough.

I don't have anything but straightforwardness and care
And nobody cares if I care.

Okay I should stop my thought here.

I should learn to accept reality
I should learn to view reality at a more beautiful angle under kaleidoscope glasses
It's not perfect but it's good enough
To make you appreciate life.

I don't
I do

by Time CapsuleπŸ’Š January 26, 2022

84πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I don't even, I can't even

When someones met with such a high level of stupidity and bullshit they just don't know how to respond.

Weirdo With a Tinfoil hat"Schools are brainwashing us! We come from the moon! We are moon babies who eat moon cheese!"

Person"I don't even, i can't even..."

by mrperson123 August 4, 2017

I don't care. I bag groceries

A response to urges to do better academically, though it is not limited to school. It is commonly used to show indifference to a suggestion.

I don't care. I bag groceries.

by dacousin January 6, 2011

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

I don't piss where I eat

Example.. a man or woman that meets an attractive person in their apartment complex that chooses not to get romantically involved because that's where she lives. Said person is not going to piss where they eat..

I don't piss where I eat

by Ariesgrl July 9, 2018

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