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Ooskie Doosk

Used in reference to Benboozling one or many people into thinking your using an alterior meaning or phrase of said word or words when used in a sentence.

"Oh man,I just Ooskie Doosked that person into thinking I would 8 Ball them and they got 2 Gram buckshot.....They have been BenBoozled".

"Oozkie Doosk",Watch out Nigga........

by Don Mofo Convert775-453-4236 February 25, 2011


Someone sneaky and mischeveous. But deep down they care for others. They are always the best looking one in the room.

Oh wow...she is DEF a doosk. Just look at her being a doosk doing dooskly things.

by Mileyiley November 23, 2017


A hat for idiots

That guy is wearing a doosk

by adjfdjfjsdfjsdjf February 1, 2023


A dab; a hit of a marijuana concentrate

Wanna take a quick doosk before we go?

by xs850rider June 29, 2021


DOosk is a dood. He is a really noice dood. we love u alawt DOosk.

DOosK 2019 - he so handsome.

by Dusky and Harhooman fried uwu February 18, 2020