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A) Too be as tired as humanly possible whithout being asleep or B) to be fast asleep generally on a bus. - Note pronounciation of Dos expresses how tired you are.
therefore the louder the doSSEEEEDDD the more tired you are.

EG 1: Brice - Hey Kadish are you dossed?
Kadish - No Brice im not dossed no. im DOOSSEEEEEDDDD!!!!!

EG 2: (whilst in a World of Warcraft lan) - Hey Kadish we arn't Dossing for 3 days is that okay? - Sure it is.

by King_fox September 8, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


(noun) An easy task or period of time.
Possibly derived from doddle.
(verb) To slack off.
(Orig. UK/ Ireland.)

That class was a doss.
He's been dossing all day.

by Tadhg January 2, 2004

420๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


Depending on where in Scotland the term 'Doss' is used, determines what meaning is intended to be conveyed.

In Edinburgh for example, If Bob was to call his mate Tam a "Doss cunt", he would be using the term as an adjective to mean thick, useless, stupid.


If the term 'doss' is used in Perthsire, Angus, and the North East, then it is generallt intended to mean...Ace, Fantastic, shit-hot, etc..

"git a fuckin haud o yersel ye doss cunt!"

Did you see Liverpool in European Cup last night, that was pure doss!"

by MatTheCat August 11, 2005

398๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


To Take it easy, relax, do nothing, hang around or chill out. Be Lazy.

I was supposed to paint the house, but I decided to doss with my mates at the pub.

by Dazwaz March 15, 2009

134๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


British slang with regional and contextual variations in meaning. Further to other definitions listed, doss can also mean...
1) A laugh; fun; a good time.
2) To sleep rough, usually on somebody's couch or floor but can also mean on the streets.
3) To freeload, particularly while receiving state benefits such as the dole (Jobseeker's Allowance).

1) "We went out last night, got pissed-up and had a right doss."
2) "Shit, I've missed the last bus home. Do you mind if I doss on your floor?"
3) "I quit my job and spent the whole summer dole dossing: just skateboarding all day and partying all night."

by Creese May 27, 2010

89๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term used to describe paying to stay on somebodies couch/sofa (particularly a London term amongst Antipodeans' and South Africans). Generally it is considered (rule of thumb) in recent years to be ยฃ5 per night plus helping out with groceries etc).

I hear he is "dossing" at her place
I hope he is paying the usual ยฃ5 to doss at your place.
I'm just "dossing" until I find my own place.

by zkpilot December 14, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj. Scots derogatory term. Often prep. of 'cunt' in context of a fucked, stupid and not with it/not awake individual.

"Tam ya doss cunt get tae fuck"

by brendan January 19, 2004

136๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž