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Douche Cunt

n. vulgar slang (tee-hee)

1. A stream of water or a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for sanitary reasons -and- the human female genitalia combined

2. Someone who genuinely is; or can be categorized as; a douche cunt

pl. douchecunts

Girl: "I think we should see other people..."

Boy: "You are a douche cunt!"

by Jake-a-Jew February 1, 2006

56👍 10👎


a combination of the two insults douche and cunt, it is hyphinated and is a pretty badass insult if you ask me

d00d your being a total douche-cunt.

by fo_scho April 23, 2006

26👍 12👎

rancid douche cunt

The term used to describe the dirtiest of all the cunts. Used generally to describe the foulest dirtiest bitch you have ever come in contact with. It can also be used to describe the horrific state of a womans vagina.

My girlfriend Jessica fucked my best friend in my bed last night, she is such a rancid douche cunt.

I took that random bitch home fromm the bar last night, but when I went to take off her pants I puked my face off the smell was so horrible. Man did she ever have a randic douche cunt!!

by Blarticus August 6, 2006

29👍 10👎

Douche Bag Cunt

1)A Bitchy Vagina Cleaner
2)good word to use when your shitfaced

Shutup, you fucking douche bag cunt

by Toadz August 27, 2006

79👍 35👎

Douche cunt


Frank is a douche cunt

by Thecoolest April 30, 2022