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little rain drops, bigger then mist but smaller then average rain drops.

oh your right katherine, it is raining a little...(sigh)...little drizzlers...

by Chago Wright August 21, 2008

5👍 1👎

Daddy Drizzlers

a type of ejaculation that makes the ass grow larger in size.
It is most common with oral sex.

Usually occurs with someone by the name of Rachel or Ashley.

Goodness,______ must have gotten a hefty dose of some Daddy drizzlers because her ass has gotten huge!

by hate n' aint easy August 15, 2008

1👍 9👎

dirty drizzler

After a Peasants hockey game you put your mouth on Szabo's butt crack and he drizzels his sweat from his brown Hawaii shirt down his back into your mouth.

That drink tastes worse than a dirty drizzler.

by 1C5 August 29, 2017

Alexander Drizzler

A term used to describe Axel Dreger‘s incredible rizz game he used ok carla

„Omfg look at dreger, he completely rizzed that gurl, i might as well call him Alexander Drizzler“

by Andreas Felmy September 3, 2023


Somebody who has rizz, but it only works on younger children

Derived from "Drizzy" (Drake) and "Rizzler"

guy 1: yo bro, did you see how I rizzed up that 8 year old
guy 2: damn bro you the drizzler

by GnMax May 28, 2024


A certification you can achieve by having some good rizz, whilst also dripping.

Dude 1: Damn! See that guy in the McFly Nikes, rizzing up that chick?

Dude 2: Yeah.. He’s a certified Drizzler.

by Big_Luke March 7, 2023