Source Code


To dusk it.
Drinking/drugs/partying/clubbing thru the night.

Taken to mean "are we going to carry out the plans we had tonight"

Ussually said "duskin'" as opposed to "dusking".

"Aye bro, we dusking it tonight?" "Yeah man, as alwayz."

by BIG D.O. April 22, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


To dusk it.
Drinking/drugs/partying/clubbing thru the night.

Taken to mean "are we going to carry out the plans we had tonight"

Ussually said "duskin'" as opposed to "dusking".

"Aye bro, we dusking it tonight?" "Yeah man, as alwayz."

by BIG D.O. April 22, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


to confuse someone -- the opposite of saying "it dawned on me" Comes from dusk, the time of day when the light is fading. Origin is a well known Penn State psychology professor.

"You're dusking me -- I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about."

by JonPsych February 4, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. to put the hand, finger, etc., on or into contact with (something) to feel it; touch.

2. to touch something, anything with a connotation suggestive of mischief or prohibited behavior.

3. to touch it...preferably in Miami.

"Y'all don't want beef in these streets, trust the boy/...like I said, even Jerry couldn't dusk the boy."

"Chrissy dusked it in Miami."

by LightworkBossMcDougalstein December 6, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Dusk is an intelligent breed of wolf/human. She reads wayyyy too much and laughs a lot too. A Dusk will kick butt if you mess with her, but can also be nice and caring. She will always take good care of her balloon childs.

Dusk saved the balloon while reading her book!

by Cooler Night Alice July 3, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


A type of extreme anger in which one gets so angry they begin expressing other emotions (i.e. sadness, joy, hysteria, apathy, etc.)
Any extreme form of an emotion that causes one to express a different emotion.

The man became so angry with the customer service representative, that he couldnโ€™t help but start laughing hysterically. In that moment he felt pure dusk.

by Peter Stilts July 5, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dusk is a name for a huge lesbian who is sick and tired of her dad's gender stereotypes. They always try to act like they're innocent but they really aren't, and constantly retain emotional imbalance. They're probably emo.

She's so angry, she's acting like such a Dusk.
Oh yeah, Dusk just got out of the bedroom with your mom.

by Lil NasX November 26, 2021

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