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The act of reverse cowgirl in the bathroom stall.

Damn did you see him eachothing that chick in the stall?

by Dudeguy69 January 14, 2020


when someone is to gosh darn lazy to add the space between the two words so it sounds more like 'echother'

pronounced as "eee-chough-ther'

ohhh they're always with eachother its so gosh darn annoying!!!!

by therealdunx June 17, 2019

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Conjunction to differentiate from β€œeach other”

Let’s hang out with eachother.
Come into work each other day.

by Kmgooey November 24, 2020

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they deserve eachother

(Idiom) Two people of questionable ethics or dislikeable personalities with a common goal or hobby.

Eliturk and butt licka are so retarded and fuckin' dumb, they desrve eachother.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004

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all over eachother

Hugging or hanging out with eachother constantly.

Jeez, they're all over eachother.

by Hannah.angelena March 12, 2017

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live in eachother's pockets.

To spend everyday all day together because they can't spend enough time together.

Sahr and Rachel live in eachother's pockets.

by Ramba Su March 18, 2016

trying on eachothers assholes

implied Frenzy of gay sex involving two or more of your buddies.

hey ron, where the hell were you and dave all day yesterday?, most likely trying on eachothers assholes

by Doug W. February 11, 2008

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