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Easy bitch

Its true, Amanda is an easy bitch. I went out with her for 2 minutes n she gave me head. Then we went to the back n fucked.- To be a whore.

Me n Amanda fucked after 2 minutes of knowing each other. What an easy bitch.

by yeah i said it March 31, 2003

55👍 19👎

Easy bitch

to tell someone to chill out or slow their roll.

bob:i hate everybody,
bill:yo bob chill
bob: "{beating holes in the wall}," fuck yo couch
bill: just calm down dude
bob:fuck you,{takes a swing at bill}
bill: chill,,,easy bitch{knocksout bob}

by the ron July 28, 2004

22👍 17👎

suck it easy, bitch

a phrase used to wish one luck on their next oral sex conquest

The Real Ashley: "Good night, guys!"
The Fake Ashley: "Suck it easy, bitch!"
The Real Ashley: "Thanks, you too!"

by johnson January 3, 2005

42👍 21👎