Source Code

eat poop

when your shit gives you a hug by sticking to the toilet seat. which means when you flush the toilet the shit just stays on the side of the toilet seat.

poop: eat poop
guy who's sitting in the toilet: oh no, fuck, there's shit stuck on the side of the toilet
poop: now you have to use bleach for me to fuck off and go down the pipe.

by I am John Doe April 22, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

national eat poop day

On the 16th April, it's the national eat poop day. On this day, you can poop wherever, to then proceed to eat up the big juicy poop. Hang out with your friends, poop with them, shit or whatever. On the National Eat Poop Day, you should all celebrate and have delicious poopy meals!

Jonathan: Yo, it's the national eat poop day today!
**Jonathan pulls down his pants and scoops out a huge shitload of black watery poop.
Jonathan: Eat up, please!
Nicolai: Mhmmm, this is yummy, it tastes like my favorite meal, thai wok!

by FurryCop6ix9ine April 11, 2019

29๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

I eat poop for a living

a person or a sussy baka imposter eat poop for money B)

Bob: Hey Tim long time no see! what do you do for a living?
Tim: I eat poop for a living

by I eat dog chocolate July 28, 2021

Eating Poop In My Sleep

Eating poop in your sleep means you should buy Hayden Odion CarX Drift Racing Online

"Hey how was last night?"
"I was Eating Poop In My Sleep"
"You should buy Hayden Odion CarX Drift Racing Online"

by Oofboyei December 26, 2022

I eat poop 69

A random retard that's obsessed with urban dictionary and hates pokimane lol

I eat poop 69 is an urban dictionary user that hates pokimane and is very active

by I eat poop 69 February 23, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eat my poop

Something you say when you are intentionally lying to someone, and they don't realize that you are joking. For instance, if you are making up a story about something that person did while drunk or high, if they legitimately believe you and you want them to know that you are kidding, you can say Eat my poop

Me: "Hey man, remember that time you were so blazed that we got you to drink your own piss"
Sejat: "Oh yeah, I think I sort of remember that"
Me: "Eat my poop"
Sejat "Oh fuck you"

by WeAreReunited January 31, 2014

47๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

poop eating contest

A contest where people see how much poop they can devour in a time period of 32 minutes and 16 seconds.

Sean Ramon won the poop eating contest. That guy ate 30409 pounds of poop in that poop eating contest. He really loves his poop.

by JarMan September 21, 2003

98๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž