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eifflel tower

when two guys are railing a girl; one from the behind and one getting a B.J., and the two guys join hands in a celebratory high 10 above her head.

dude lets eiffel tower this biotch.

by Daniel Larkin November 2, 2003

323👍 134👎

eifflel tower

2 guys are screwin a girl. 1 from behind and 1 gettin a B.J. the 2 dudes put their hands together over her and start chantin french.

"Dude, we gave her an eifflel tower on the fuckin eifflel tower!"

by Switchell August 9, 2005

46👍 48👎

eifflel tower

a tower in paris france

da eiffel tower is big

by pimp daddy dollars September 20, 2004

35👍 124👎