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noun. A man who abandons a woman as soon as she tells him she is pregnant; a deadbeat.

Origin: from "Men's Rights" movement leader and notorious deadbeat dad, Paul Elam. See: santorum.

"Hey, where's Derek?"
"Oh, that elam dumped me as soon as I told him I was pregnant."

by ProfN August 7, 2015

199๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž


Elam-A nickname for a man with very hairy legs. An Elam may be confused with Big Foot. An Elam is the only creator of the octo-bounce and there is a legend that one day all his mighty hair will be slain and cut down. This beast is very gentle and loves cookies.

Girl- Run mommy its Big Foot!
Mom- Its alright its just an Elam. Go get the cookies.

by E Douds June 15, 2008

65๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


Elame is a nickname for a really lame person named Elaine.

Elaine, more like eLAME!

by tigger2132 October 7, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Teacher Elam

The best 7th grade social studies/ELA teacher! They also teach 8th grade drama and they are pretty chill and likes to joke around with students. Teacher Elam is that one teacher that is your bestie. You can tell Elam all the tea and they will keep it a secret. Theyโ€™ve seen a few messed up things like people cutting their hair and taping it to a stick figure and giving to them as a gift but thatโ€™s okay.

I love teacher elam!
Totally, they are the best
I wish elam was a science teacher too

by YourFavBestieee May 27, 2023

Nell elam

A girl very sweet and talented. Sheโ€™s so pretty and doesnโ€™t know it and would do anything to make ppl happy .

I want a nell elam .

by Hmmm u donโ€™t know me May 29, 2020

baile elam

Worthless piece of shit mother that does nothing but start drama and sleep around with other guys. And doesn't let her baby daddy see his kid a bitch that talk shit but can't back up her shit. no show to a fight. A nasty slut. Tht uses a turcky baster to get pregnant

Baile elam - bitch gonna come to your house and beat tht asss.
Girl- okay u know where I live come on.

(2hours later)

Girl- this bitch ain't coming hell nawww I wasted my time.

by sweetcheecks8413 August 8, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

nell elam

A girl named nell , that likes slapping her midget friend izzy .

Look thereโ€™s another โ€˜Nell elamโ€™ slapping her poor friend what a bitch

by Hmmm u donโ€™t know me May 29, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž