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Extasy is the more commonly used name for MDMA. (It is also known as 'E' or 'X').Extasy is commonly oraly consumed to aid the Radical-Audio-Visual-Experience known as a RAVE. The drug is not physicaly addictive however due to the surpression of negative feelings such as hunger, exhaustion, pain, depression; followed by the arising positive feelings & effects of joy, excitement, love, inner peace, closeness to others, complete and total utter content with oneself, a physical state of every good feeling experienced in one completely perfect moment at the climax of all the beauty of existance exploding through the darkness bringing light and life into a plain of existance that seems to be owned the individual which is universaly understood by all who are engulfed by this soft tingling journey of elightenment felt by the body mind and soul as u all drift of into the darkness painted by the stars from all colours of the light spectrum........ sorry got carried away. True definition of extasy is pure happiness.

Mr X was trapped in a state of repitition of his own reality didnt see the sence in living a life which seemed to be the same every week he felt society tearing away his own originality... his own identity...
Fearing that not much within the restrictions of a white color slaves reality could bring him to enjoy life like he use to he took a bold move at his first rave and took his first extasy pill it gave him the freedom he was looking for through chemically altering his perspective on life as he was reminded of the joys and feelings he had only experienced as a child.

by livetolive January 2, 2008

360👍 132👎


extasy is a drug usally taken in the pill form however may be snorted. It gives the user a great sense of well being. Suxual experiances while on "E" could be the best ever

I ate 3 double stacks of extasy last night

by scwaster November 1, 2004

393👍 231👎


See ecstasy

Extasy is another word for ecstasy, usually people who can't spell ecstasy spell it like extasy for short

Smart person : Ecstasy

Dumb person : Extasy

by darkmyst August 30, 2005

289👍 217👎


a powerful pill drug.. when taken this drug its a good time with lots of hornyness..

had a wicked good time on that "e" last night!

by The Reefer Man April 19, 2005

119👍 104👎


an amazing drug used for extremely good sexual arousment. when having sex on E you get an amazing non-beatable feeling rush through your body. E is amazing but speed is even better for sex. (look up "speed" for more info)

"Dude i had sex with some chick last night and i was on E and it was AMAZING man!"

by SBB May 10, 2005

82👍 100👎


leet? indeed!

by Anonymous July 22, 2003

81👍 204👎

Extasy Rabid

Extasy Rabid is the best motherf*cker to ever exist. he makes good music and he's 100% not gay.

Girl 1: OMG i love Extasy Rabid
Girl 2: OMG I love his music
Boy 1: his soundcloud is soundcloud.com/extasyrabid

by not Extasy Rabid November 21, 2021

1👍 1👎