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The F-15 Eagle is the US armed forces' top air superiority fighter - it has never been defeated by an enemy aircraft. The F-15 can carry short/medium range A2A missiles and guided/unguided A2G weapons. It's also armed with a 20mm cannon.

F-15's are only operated by the US, Israel, Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.

Yesterday, US F-15s conducted overnight precision bombings in Fallujah and Baghdad.

Those MiG-25s didn't stand a chance against Captain Jimmy and his F-15. Went up in flames, they did.

by Tronno November 10, 2004

102👍 25👎


The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is considerably one of the most influential and best fighter jets ever built. In 1967 the United States Air Force selected the design from McDonnell Douglas for a dedicated air superiority fighter after sustaining a high amount of casualties in the Vietnam Air War and also needed an aircraft designed to counter the new Soviet Mig-25 Foxbat. In 1972 the Eagle had its first flight and went on to get exported to other countries such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, and recently more Middle Eastern countries will have F-15's delivered by the end of 2022.

The F-15 has come along with multiple variants and a goated status for many reasons. The Kill Death Ratio of the F-15 stands at a legendary 104-0 proving how superior it is in the skies. The F-15 is able to go up 98,000 feet in just under 3.5 minutes and reach an official speed of 1,800 mph. This allowed it to shoot down a literal satellite out of space in 1985. The F-15 first saw combat in Israel and the United States never saw combat with the F-15 until the First Persian Gulf War in 1991.
Despite the chad F-15 itself being goated there have been many mishaps with the fighter and many have been and more are going to be phased out in the coming years. Despite this Boeing is working on the new technologically advanced F-15EX which will be revolutionary for the Eagle and hopefully will break more records as the years go on.

Upon learning the aircraft he was about to dogfight was an F-15 the enemy pilot instantly lost all hope.

by vryepic February 17, 2021


Second to f/14 to being the lowest form of life in the universe.

f/15: "there si no such thing as emo
not really
its just a type of music
and anyone who says that so and so isnt real emo is just trying to get ppl to think that they themselves are emo
but in reality they arent
they are just posers"

Person2: "f/15"

by Beej Entle July 15, 2006

12👍 12👎


What 40-50 year old overweight, ugly guys say they are to A/S/L in internet chatrooms to other unsuspecting 12-40 year old males

<sk8rboi18>Hi A/S/L
<sexy_chick_15> 15/f/Sydney

by starman January 26, 2004

52👍 10👎