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1) When something is more fabulous than fabulous.
2) Tab

Matty: This Tab is Fabtabulous!
Mike: Agreed, it is most tangy and fabtabulous.

by Matthew Larsen July 16, 2005

35👍 13👎


a mixture of fantastic and fabulous, something so great that fantastic can't only describe it, it's also fabulous

That dress is fabtabuous!

What a fabtabulous party we went to the other night!

You are getting married. Wow that's fabtabulous!

by stargirl768 March 23, 2009

5👍 2👎


The act of being awesome.
Usually after you say something very good or nice.

would u save me if i was in danger
u r fabtabulous

by Mashew May 11, 2008

2👍 4👎


means something is better than normal

That is so fabtabulous!!!

by spaz master October 11, 2004

6👍 12👎


A word that is used for a person who is considered a girly girl or a prep;Another word for fabulous.

That girl is so fabtabulous and nice.

by Cherry-Pop33 March 18, 2009

1👍 4👎

freakin fabtabulous

an adjective describing the best things in life, something so awesome it will knock your socks right off

That movie was freakin fabtabulous!

by NikkelSquared June 12, 2012

3👍 1👎


Fabulous and Fantastic mixed together, meaning the Bomb Diggetty or Amazeballs. Not to be confused with Fantabulous, which only means Fantastic and Fabulous.

Me: "Hey mom do I look okay?"
Mother: "Honey I think you look fabtabulous!"
Me: "I'm changing."

by kitkatkaos July 8, 2013