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forced family fun

The desperate pressure of both hope and expectation inherent in the well-meaning, but ultimately defeated, coordination of family events, vacations and other group interactions; in the end, destined to be undone by the predictable actions of the family members themselves.

We're going to Disney World again, land of sweet, sweet family bonding and fountain of pleasant memories; this time it's gonna be great! Not forced family fun like last time, when grandpa got arrested for groping Cinderella, brother got busted for getting high with a couple of under-age dwarfs, sister lost her virginity on magic mountain and momma got drunk and puked on Tinkerbell during the live parade...

by YAWA July 3, 2017

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family fun time

When your family only consists of two consenting adults, preferably married or in a long term relationship, and it's time to bone down. Often useful as a suggestion when in front of others, but without saying "let's go have sex now."

Before we go have dinner with those people, we need some family fun time.

Oh, I'm sorry, we won't be able to make it to church this Sunday. We have family fun time scheduled all morning.

by ChimmieChanga January 22, 2015

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Family Fun Night

The act of having 2 siblings have sexual relations with a man of the chinese ethnic background while fully intoxicated wielding a whip, spiked dildos, and of course... double-sided anal beads.

Me and my sister, April, had a darn good Family Fun Night with our good friend... Hu Flung Poo.

by Pubic Dreadlocks August 20, 2009

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

family fun dip

When having intercourse with a woman after dipping the male genitalia in her deceased family members ashes. To then be inserted into her mouth causing her to caugh up a cloud of ashes.

Robert loves to family fun dip Becky. Although she misses her father she loves the activity and this sudden family reunion.

by meh please August 16, 2023

Chitwood family fun time

Absolute hell.

*Mom* Are y’all ready for chitwood family fun time!?

*Everyone* Why are you doing this to us!!!!!

by WhatGoodYall March 28, 2019

family-friendly fun

Deceptively-wholesome/harmless code-term for sexual intercourse without a condom --- i.e., a hugely-enjoyable "game" (baseball, don't ya know... yeah, "fourth base"!) dat is "sociably open" to STARTING or ADDING TO a FAMILY!!

Parents beware --- anytime a starry-eyed teenage stud claims dat he just wants to engage in "family-friendly fun" wif your "little pumpkin", think twice about giving da a-okay... said request/assertion may not be nearly so innocent as it seems! :P

by QuacksO January 16, 2023

Family Fun

Hehehe... when two siblings... take family fun too far...

"Did you really have family fun with your sister!?

by I am the one who knocks. July 2, 2024