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This is the best club on a site called stardoll, with nearly 3000 members+ it is the second version of the loved club fashionista. Fashionista was deleted on the 27/08/2010 ,upsetting many members but we found ourselves in fashionista.2 even though the club split. Fa.2 is growing by the day and soon we will reclaim the top spot again! We have had good and bad moments but I hope we will remain friends in our time on stardoll, I have much love for the club and we are all awesomee ~Missalecia.x

Person1: Gosh I hate arguements in clubs, oh and club rivalry
Person2: Um well join fashionista.2 DURR It's the best club on stardoll with an awesome owner, awesome managers and awesome members ;)

by Missalecia.x September 26, 2010

23👍 8👎