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It means to show affection, normally it is when someone shows slave-like flattery; normally, when they are trying to gain something. Basically, it sucking up to someone or simping.

All if his fans were fawning over him at the meet and greet.
Many employees fawned over the CEO at the dinner party, hoping to get on his good side.

by Dazzle0412 March 11, 2021

21๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of women trying to walk in expensive, uncomfortable high heels after a long period of drinking whilst thinking they look classy; not dissimilar to a new-born deer struggling to take its first steps.

After a big day at the horse races you will see a lot of drunk girls fawning their way to the taxi rank.
"Look at those women fawning home from the nightclub!"

by kirkyben December 29, 2014

23๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of falling in a crowd or a crowded place for no reason, then walk away acting like nothing happened

Hey did you see that girl trip in font of everyone.
She didn't trip she was fawning

by FawnEtzel October 22, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Front awning. The male equivalent of a gunt. The large overhanging fleshy skin flap covering the private parts.

I'll need a tent pole to prop up fawning so I can get some fresh air in my downstairs privates.

by Logieboris November 27, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


the name Fawn was given more in the 70's

Fawn is a sweet, open minded, polite, almost innocent person

Fawn is a person that is very compassionate and will help anyone in need. a very quiet, shy person until she warms up to you. she has a temper but you have to push her far before seeing it. she has a tendancy to be a very horny person with a romantic nature but believe me she can be a freak. she has a tendancy to want to spoil her partner. she will stand her ground but will hear other peoples beliefs, ideas, or thoughts.

a person with the name fawn will be a best friend, helpful and kind, and she will stick up for you no matter what. unless you you screw her over to many times then watch out! she has no problem speaking her mind but usually softens what is said.

the word Fawn can be used in place of hot, sexy, or slammin'

1. damn she was so fawn at first but now.......daaamn shes all over it.

2. awwww how sweet shes so fawn

3. i can't believe how fawn that chick is

by diggumstat May 12, 2010

160๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A young deer.
2. Pretty young girl.
3. Color; a grayish yellow-brown to moderate reddish brown.
4. A submissive behavior in order to gain favor. To flatter, a compliment.

1. "Look! There's a little fawn over there in the nice, green, meadow."
2. "Yeah, she's a real fawn."
3. "This makeup is for people with fair-colored skin. It's called 'Fawn'."
4. They fawned over the newborn baby.

by *Bee* August 12, 2006

209๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who is always outspoken. She will speak her mind with out giving a fuck of what you think of it. Fawn is a great friend. She is very sensual and isnt afraid to tell everyone. She can be a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed when the time is right. Dont cross her or anyone she is close to or youll regret it for sure! Fawn is very vedicive. Piss her off and your lible to get bleach in your contact lense case!She is a girl who will turn you on then walk the fuck out if you talk about feet. She is very motherly and totally wild.

fawn will tell you--Im sorry but you need to go take a shower because your crotch stinks!
fawn will say--I need dick!
fawn will offer--You need something? What can I do to help?
fawn will yell--Bitch Ill kick your ass!
fawn will scream and run while saying--Gimme my food stamps bitch!

by wildfallenangel March 16, 2010

75๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž