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To give oneself entirely to one's lord.

She offered him her ass as a sign of fealty.

by Bull313 January 1, 2012

144👍 8👎


Comparable to loyalty, an Oath of Fealty was often sworn to the feudal lord, most commonly on a religious item such as a bible, or a relic that had some form of significance to those involved.

Derived from Fidelity, to be true or loyal to a person. Often used in the context of relationships saying to be faithful.

"I shall not forget, nor fail to reward that which is given. Fealty with love, valor with honor oath-breaking with vengeance."

"My fealty to you, my Lord, is undying. I am true."

by Aranor August 13, 2008

35👍 6👎


When you have an inconvenient crush and you hide it by treating her people as your people.

See also: Whipped Lexa

“I swear fealty to you, Clarke kom Skaikru. I vow to treat your needs as my own and your people as my people.”

by sixphanel February 10, 2016

89👍 37👎



I pledge my fealty to you, my new hetero lifemate!

Fealty is not necessarily conditional in the context of defining it as friendship.

by SkinnyJoint July 15, 2023