Source Code


Can be used to light or to cut.

They cut that boys head off over by the docks. A few people say they saw a bright and ominous beam of red light a few hours before the body was found, coulda been a laser weapon, a filament weapon, nobody knows yet.

by Solid Mantis April 25, 2017

2👍 1👎


A fine wire.

This filament of wire cut my finger!

by AntmanMike August 22, 2003

8👍 16👎

inverted scalpis filamentism

The phenomenon of filaments of hair retreating into the scalp, giving the initial appearance of baldness, but eventually exploding from a man's ears, nose, and eyebrows.

"I thought he was a victim of baldness, but I see now that he is actually a survivor of inverted scalpis filamentism."

"Whoa, that bald dude has some SERIOUS eyebrows. I guess he's got some inverted scalpis filamentism going on."

by AnalogyQueen February 2, 2010


Like gas-money(sfw version), filament-money is when you pay for a roll of filament to a friend who 3d prints a model for you.

Hey, I saw this cool toilet paper holder on tiktok, I found the model on thingiverse, can you 3d print it for me. I got the filament-money.

Friend 3d prints the model and refuses to take filament-money when offered because they're your friend after all, but you pay them back by buying the next round anyway.

by Tinkrmind March 8, 2023

Filament Anxiety

Fill-a-ment ang-zi-a-tee

When you start a 3D print and you're not sure if you have enough filament to complete it, leading to hours of nailbiting and nerves.

I just started to print a figurine, but I have filament anxiety.

by Vlad_D February 25, 2021