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Filtch originates in Milwaukee, Wisconsin relating to something absolutely shit quality

Bill- “ yo Gerald this weed some gas
Gerald- “ nah bruh it’s Straight filtch we got scammed, forreal ”

by Milwaukee Slangster August 12, 2020

3👍 2👎


when one guy jizzes in another guys butt hole and then slurps it up threw a straw

my friend kevin filtched my dad

by Andrew Boughton February 13, 2009

19👍 28👎

Filtch Snatcher

A Disappointment.
A Waste Of Egg And Sperm.
A Creep Ass.

Don't Be A Filtch Snatcher.
Your Such A Filtch Snatcher.

by Nicole C. & Lindsey D. February 1, 2009

4👍 3👎